About us


The governance of Sayens is based on 9 shareholders, institutions and research organizations within its scope, as well as the Government, represented since 2019 by Bpifrance.

Shareholders and partners

Public partners, higher education and research institutions, research organizations in our region and the French government are involved alongside Sayens’ teams to develop and accelerate technology transfer.








“Bpifrance, SATT operator”

logo bpi france sayens

Since 2019, Bpifrance is the operator of the SATTs replacing the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), the previous operator of the SATTs, since their creation in 2012.

Supported by the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA), Sayens has been allocated €60 million over 10 years.

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Governance bodies

Board of Directors

Made up of representatives of the shareholders (higher education institutions and research organizations and the French government), the main role of the Board of Directors is to guide Sayens’ global strategy and define its priority areas of action.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is made up of experts in the fields of innovation, R&D and entrepreneurship, appointed intuitu personae by the Board of Directors. Its role is to examine the maturation or co-maturation projects presented in the framework of our investment policy. It gives opinions and recommendations on the projects in order to inform the Board of Directors on investment or disinvestment decisions. This Committee meets every two months.

R&D Partnerships Strategic Orientation Committee

The development strategy and the monitoring of the activity R&D Partnerships are based on a steering involving the researchers and research units of our shareholder, the University of Burgundy, through a Strategic Orientation Committee (COS).

The Strategic Orientation Committee is the body which sets the course and which:

  • records the Université Bourgogne Europe’s development strategy in the main strategy,
  • follows the action plans implemented,
  • decides on the evolution of activities in connection with the University of Burgundy’s policy and with its partner laboratories
Friday 28 March 2025
L'évènement des femmes qui innovent et entreprennent dans les domaines de la tech

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