You are a company

Tailor-made innovation

Sayens is a Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologie (SATT).

We provide companies with the best innovation solutions in terms of know-how and technologies from universities and public research centers * in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, Lorraine and South Champagne-Ardenne (Troyes).

Endowed by the Government, we meet your needs by guaranteeing you access to state-of-the-art technologies through co-maturation programs, R&D collaborations, technology scouting actions, training,…

Is the development of new products your priority? We help, advise and support you in all stages of development, from proof of concept to industrial pre-series.

* L’Institut Agro Dijon, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, SUPMICROTECHENSMM, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Université Bourgogne Europe (UBE), University of Marie & Loius Pasteur (UMPC), University of Lorraine (UL), Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology (UTBM), Troyes University of Technology (UTT)

Are you looking for a technology that meets your innovation needs current or future?

Our technologies portfolio

Do you want to outsource your R&D and are you looking for scientific expertise
or state-of-the-art equipment? Discover our 8 R&D domains

Our R&D expertise

You need to train your teams to the best of the state of the art technology?

Our trainings

You want to be informed about our projects, technologies and collaboration opportunities?

Our events

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